Trafic Safety Resources
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At National Safety Commission, we are committed to educating individuals on how to become safer, more attentive drivers. We are confident that you will find the following resources to be helpful and informative; they have been designed to educate you on the dangers and risks you face on the road. After all, an alert driver is a safer driver, and this information can help you stay alert so that you are mindful of others. Dig in and become a better driver!
Training Courses
As the old saying goes, practice makes perfect. These training courses will make you a better driver.
Court Ordered Courses More DetailsDriver Education & Training
Driver's Education Traffic School DMV Practice Tests DMV Test CheatSheetsSafety Campaigns
Join a safety campaign or simply find out more about one. It's all right here.
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Stay up-to-date on the latest developments within the industry.
Vehicle Maintenance: Why It's Important
If you own or operate an automobile, it's very important to keep up with the maintenance of your vehicle. You may feel as if you don't know that much about cars, but you don't need to be a professional mechanic to check or even be aware of the various issues that can and often do unfold. When it comes to vehicle maintenance, the following tips could prove to be quite useful. After all, if you catch a problem sooner rather than later, it will most likely be less expensive to fix.
Read MoreTake the Scenic Route
Are you currently suffering from the winter blues? There may not be any plans for travel in your near future, at least not via automobile. However, if you're looking for beautiful routes to take once the weather breaks and spring finally comes into full swing, then you may find this article to be quite helpful. From the State of California to the Florida Keys, these highway tips and trips should not be skipped over.
Read MoreDriving Mistakes often Made in Winter Months
As winter comes blasting into full swing, most areas will soon find (if they haven't already) roadways and highways to be quite dangerous and difficult to travel on. Tackling the roads in winter months can be a much tougher task than doing so in the spring or summer months. It's important to be aware of these severe conditions and take the necessary precautions to keep safe. Avoid making the following mistakes that are usually associated with driving in winter months:
Read MoreSafety Videos
Covering a range of topics, these videos are informative and educational - and fun, too.

This collection of links will point you in the direction of some helpful resources and guides.
Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety Bureau of Transportation Statistics Citizens for Reliable and Safe Highways (CRASH) DUI Foundation Federal Highway Administration Kids and Cars Lowest Price Traffic School Mourning Parents ACT, Inc. (!mpact) NHTSA: Vehicle Theft Prevention (PDF) United States Department of Transportation View All