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Distracted Drivers Beware: A New Group Aims to Stop You


Today, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and Janet Froetscher, president of the National Safety Council, announced the creation of FocusDriven, the first nonprofit organization devoted to combating distracted driving and supporting victims of distracted drivers.

"I don't want your children or my grandchildren to suffer at the hands of a driver who is too busy to pay attention to the rules of the road," LaHood said today at an event in Washington.

The group is modeled after the organization Mothers Against Drunk Driving, except that it aims to stop people from driving while distracted.

Read more at: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/focusdriven-group-combating-distracted-driving-launches-today/story?id=9543077&page=1

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